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 www.TravelComedy.com - Jeremy Sonnenburg's Official Travel Comedy Dispatch Center


I am very excited about my first round of book reviews and reader feedback.


I am in the process of submitting the books to several more editors for review and am expecting these reviews back shortly. 



iUniverse Editors’ Choice Award



As part of the publishing process, this book was submitted to the iUniverse Editorial Review Service.  The editor assesses:

  • Content

  • Structure

  • Credibility of the Author

  • Mechanics

  • Marketability & Readability


The editor scores the book in each category and provides supporting comments.  A Funny Thing Happened on the Road Less Traveled received 295 points out of a possible 300, qualifying the book for iUniverse’s Editors’ Choice Award.  I have included a summary of the editorial comments below: 


“Overall, this book has a great deal to offer readers.  The author’s style is thoroughly enjoyable and his humor is very appropriate for the subject matter.  He not only paints a vivid picture of the incidents in his and his wife’s adventures, but he does so while also creating an entertaining experience for readers that is never boring.


The content was wonderful.  The author does a great job of drawing the reader into the situation and making him or her feel apart of the experience.  Also, the humor is right on target and delivers just the right mix of laughs and travel insight.  It will definitely hold the attention of most readers.


The structure of the book was excellent.  The chronological organization of the chapters makes perfect sense for this type of book, and the chapter headings are informative without giving away too much.  Also, the introduction and the conclusion are very well done, particularly the conclusion which provides some last humorous and memorable advice for other travelers.  The author does a good job of establishing in the introduction what makes this look at travel so unique and through his willingness to share personal and sometimes embarrassing experiences with readers, he continues to build trust with readers.


The title is absolutely perfect for the manuscript.  The marketing text is very well done as well.  From the keynote to the book description, the text conveys not only the basic idea of the manuscript but also its tone and style.  It should effectively attract an audience.”



Reader Web Reviews


Readers have submitted the following reviews via the provided form on this website.

"Amigo, you have your own unique way of looking at the world.  I always knew your stories were hilarious first-hand but who knew the kid could write 'em down?  Note to your readers... laughing out loud on the mass transit system of any major city is a dangerous business.  Be forewarned."

-- Murdo MacMillan